
A Hybrid Internet Gateway Discovery Scheme in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks




Although an autonomous mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is useful in many scenarios, work on the integration of MANET with Internet is more desirable. In order to realize such integration, Internet gateway is required. The main issue involved in this case is when and how a mobile node obtains information about available Internet gateways while making a minimal consumption of the scarce network resources. So an efficient gateway discovery for MANET becomes a key element to enable the use of hybrid ad hoc networks in future mobile and wireless networks. Note that performance of the Internet connectivity will be degraded greatly if obvious unidirectional links are ignored and gateway discovery packets are rebroadcast blindly during MANET nodes discovery available Internet gateway, in this paper, an effective hybrid gateway discovery algorithm for MANET is proposed to remove unidirectional links and enhance Internet connectivity simultaneously. The routing protocol called ad hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) has been modified to set up multihop paths to the Internet gateways in the MANET. Simulation results with NS2 show that this approach can provide better performance to avoid unidirectional links and can achieve good connectivity while keeping overhead costs low.
机译:尽管自治移动自组织网络(MANET)在许多情况下很有用,但更希望将MANET与Internet集成。为了实现这种集成,需要Internet网关。这种情况下涉及的主要问题是移动节点何时以及如何获取有关可用Internet网关的信息,同时最大限度地减少了稀缺的网络资源。因此,有效的MANET网关发现已成为在未来的移动和无线网络中启用混合自组织网络的关键要素。请注意,在MANET节点发现可用Internet网关的过程中,如果忽略明显的单向链接而盲目地重播网关发现数据包,则Internet连接的性能将大大降低,本文提出了一种有效的MANET混合网关发现算法,以消除单向链路。并同时增强Internet连接。已经修改了称为按需点播距离矢量(AODV)的路由协议,以建立到MANET中Internet网关的多跳路径。 NS2的仿真结果表明,这种方法可以提供更好的性能来避免单向链接,并可以实现良好的连接性,同时保持较低的开销成本。



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