
Doing things backwards




The OWL project is inspired by Arthur C. Clarke's Third Law of Technology Prediction: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. It consists of a series of open and speculative body-devices designed without a pre-defined function and tested as design 'probes' in order to ascertain their functionality. While the initial forms emerge from an investigation of the body, their functionality are determined through use. The project fuses fine art and contemporary design processes to arrive at ambiguous outcomes whose functionality is being ascertained 'after the fact' through interviews, or 'probing'. While not necessarily antidesign, the methodology contrasts dramatically with traditional design processes, where the purpose and broad functionality of 'that which is being designed' is usually known in advance. It calls into question the validity of a traditional approach when trying to design 'sufficiently advanced technology'. In this paper we present our process and the theoretical scaffold that supports our underlying thinking. Our field of concerns includes enchantment and ambiguity as resources for design, encouraging 'magical thinking' and 'making strange'.
机译:OWL项目的灵感来自于亚瑟·克拉克(Arthur C. Clarke)的第三技术预测定律:任何足够先进的技术都无法与魔术区分开。它由一系列不带预定义功能的开放式和投机式人体设备组成,并经过测试作为设计“探针”以确定其功能。虽然最初的形式来自对人体的研究,但其功能是通过使用来确定的。该项目融合了美术和当代设计过程,以取得模棱两可的结果,其功能是在“事后”通过采访或“探查”确定的。尽管不一定是反设计,但该方法与传统的设计过程形成了鲜明的对比,在传统的设计过程中,通常提前知道“正在设计的东西”的目的和广泛功能。当试图设计“足够先进的技术”时,它质疑传统方法的有效性。在本文中,我们介绍了我们的过程以及支持我们基本思想的理论支架。我们关注的领域包括附魔和含糊不清的设计资源,鼓励“魔术思维”和“使事物变得奇怪”。



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