首页> 外文会议>Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies, 2009 >Lambda-Systolic Routing in a Wavelength-Division Multiplexed All-Optical Butterfly

Lambda-Systolic Routing in a Wavelength-Division Multiplexed All-Optical Butterfly




In this paper we present an all-optical network architecture and a routing protocol for it. A 2r-dimensional coloured optical butterfly (COBF) network consists of P = 22r processors, N = r22r+1 routing nodes, and E = r22r+2 edges. The routing machinery is divided in an r-dimensional front-end and 2r = ¿P r-dimensional back-ends. Processors are deployed at the level 0 (identical to level 2r) nodes of the network. Routing is based on the use of ¿P wavelength-multiplexed optical signals, a cyclic control bit sequence, and scheduled sendings of packets. The routing protocol ensures that no electro-optical conversion is needed in the intermediate routing nodes and all the packets injected into the routing machinery will reach their target without collisions. We then present an analysis of the routing algorithm with a batch type routing problem. According to our experiments, a work-optimal routing of an h-relation is achieved with a reasonable size of h ¿ ¿(P).
机译:在本文中,我们提出了一种全光网络架构及其路由协议。一个2r维彩色光学蝶形(COBF)网络由P = 2 2r 个处理器,N = r2 2r + 1 个路由节点和E = r2 2r组成+2 边缘。路由选择机制分为一个r维前端和2 r =âP r维后端。处理器部署在网络的0级(与2r级相同)节点上。路由基于ƒP波长复用的光信号,循环控制位序列和数据包的计划发送。路由协议可确保在中间路由节点中无需进行电光转换,并且注入路由设备中的所有数据包都将到达其目标而不会发生冲突。然后,我们对带有批处理型路由问题的路由算法进行了分析。根据我们的实验,h-关系的工作最优路由是在合理的hƒÃ,¿ƒƒÃ,Â(P)大小下实现的。



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