
Interactive technologies for autism




In meeting health, education, and lifestyle goals, technology can both assist individuals with autism, and support those who live and work with them, such as family, caregivers, coworkers, and friends. The uniqueness of each individual with autism and the context of their lives provide interesting design challenges for the successful creation and adoption of technologies for this domain. This Special Interest Group (SIG) aims to bring together those who study the use of technology by and for individuals with autism, those who design and de-velop new technologies, and those who are curious about getting involved. Areas that this SIG will consider include assistive technologies; tools for data collection and analysis; educational software; virtual reality rehabilitation environments; identifying users; need finding; user-centered collaborative design processes that include individuals who cannot speak or write; and product assessment. This SIG will provide opportunities for participants to join together and share their own pro-jects, design challenges, and lessons learned while fo-cusing on directions for future development. Those with experience and newcomers to the field are both equally encouraged to attend.>>> af++ AU2017101350A4 . 2017-11-16

机译:Interact行李跟踪单元Interact行李处理单元是一种非侵入式(免提),便携式,自容器,自供电,无线通信的行李跟踪设备,由支持三种技术(条形码技术,RFID技术)的硬件组件和软件程序组成和BLE Beacon Technology),可实时跟踪其行李行程中的行李,并适用于旅游行业。

  • 机译:Ori是一种交互式媒体工具,它使用户可以扫描支持Ori的媒体并与其包含的数据进行交互(图1),用户可以:1.与Ori相关的印刷媒体进行交互2.与Ori程序的功能进行交互3.保存,存储并编辑与扫描有关的数据。4.共享和整理Ori数据该工具对用户的智能手机相机捕获的图像使用图像识别和光学字符识别(OCR)。图像识别和OCR技术将检测出一个模式,并在Ori数据库中找到它的匹配项。

  • 机译:检测受试者中自闭症或自闭症或自闭症谱系障碍的存在的方法以及选择自闭症或自闭症谱系障碍的生物活性化合物的方法

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