
A new logic synthesis, ExorBDS




This paper proposes a novel method for efficient realization of parity prediction functions in FPGAs. Improving FPGA efficiency can improve the cost/logic ratio, which may allow FPGAs to be used in more application areas. Using ESOP (exclusive-sum-of-products) to represent logic functions often requires fewer product terms than traditional SOP (sum-of-products) methods. Since FPGA logic functions are implemented based on the number of inputs required, rather than complexity of gates, reducing the number of product terms/literals can produce savings. Commercial EDA tools are suboptimal when it comes to synthesizing logic functions into FPGAs. Our results show that our algorithm improves both area and performance metrics. It is believed that our algorithm will also improve FPGA efficiency in implementing arithmetic circuits, error correcting/detecting circuits, and any other XOR-intensive function. Our proposed method, ExorBDS, uses a stage of ESOP minimization, followed by a stage of decomposition using binary decision diagrams (BDDs). Experiments were conducted on 14 MCNC benchmark circuits. The combination of ESOP minimization and BDD-based decomposition showed superior results to that of just using ESOP minimization or BDD-based decomposition in isolation. The results, when compared with commercial EDA tools, are encouraging. On average, our method uses 36.85% of the number of LUTs (look-up tables), has 87.11% of the maximum combinational path delay, and has 26.16% of the area-delay product
机译:本文提出了一种在FPGA中有效实现奇偶校验预测功能的新方法。提高FPGA效率可以提高成本/逻辑比,这可能允许FPGA在更多应用领域中使用。与传统的SOP(乘积和)方法相比,使用ESOP(乘积和)表示逻辑功能通常需要较少的乘积项。由于FPGA逻辑功能是根据所需的输入数量而不是门的复杂性实现的,因此减少产品术语/文字的数量可以节省成本。在将逻辑功能合成到FPGA中时,商用EDA工具不是最佳选择。我们的结果表明,我们的算法改善了面积和性能指标。可以相信,我们的算法还将提高FPGA在执行算术电路,纠错/检测电路以及任何其他XOR密集功能时的效率。我们提出的方法ExorBDS使用ESOP最小化阶段,然后是使用二进制决策图(BDD)分解的阶段。实验在14个MCNC基准电路上进行。 ESOP最小化和基于BDD的分解的组合显示出优于仅单独使用ESOP最小化或基于BDD的分解的结果。与商用EDA工具相比,结果令人鼓舞。我们的方法平均使用LUT(查找表)数量的36.85%,具有最大组合路径延迟的87.11%,并且具有面积延迟乘积的26.16%



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