首页> 外文会议>Second International Conference on Coordinated and Multiple Views in Exploratory Visualization, 2004. Proceedings, 2004 >Arterial blood pressure and heart period relationships duringperiodic breathing in chronic heart failure patients

Arterial blood pressure and heart period relationships duringperiodic breathing in chronic heart failure patients




Periodic breathing (PB) is highly prevalent (>60%) in awakechronic heart failure (CHF) patients with moderate to severe symptomsand poor ventricular function. In this study, the authors analyzed byspectral techniques the variability of systolic (SAP) and diastolic(DAP) arterial pressure and their relationship with the variability ofthe heart period (HP) in 20 resting CHF patients with stable PB. Therelationship between instantaneous lung volume (ILV) and SAP and theassociation between the phase shift SAP-HP and baroreflex sensitivity(BRS) were also investigated. All signals showed a narrowband very lowfrequency (VLF) component about 0.02 Hz (the frequency of PB) whichexplained 38% (22) (median (quartile range)) of ILV variance, 74% (33)of HP, 86% (15) of SAP and 72% (21) of DAP. The coherence and phase atthe VLF peak were 0.76 (0.2) and -56° (41) for ILV-SAP, 0.71 (0.2)and -149° (52) for SAP-HP and 0.77 (0.3) and -191° (38) forDAP-HP. The correlation coefficient between the phase shift SAP- HP andBRS at the VLF peak was 0.78 (p<0.001). This study demonstrates thatduring PB in CHF, both the respiratory and cardiovascular controlsystems are entrained by the same VLF rhythm which explains most of thevariability of cardiovascular parameters. The VLF oscillation of SAPfollows the corresponding oscillation of HP but they change in theopposite direction. The shift depends on the functioning of thebaroreflex
机译:清醒时定期呼吸(PB)非常普遍(> 60%) 中度至重度症状的慢性心力衰竭(CHF)患者 心室功能差。在这项研究中,作者分析了 频谱技术收缩压(SAP)和舒张压的变异性 (DAP)动脉压及其与血压变异性的关系 20例稳定的PB稳定的CHF患者的心脏周期(HP)。这 瞬时肺容量(ILV)与SAP之间的关系以及 SAP-HP相移与压力反射敏感性之间的关联 (BRS)也进行了调查。所有信号均显示很窄的频带 频率(VLF)分量约为0.02 Hz(PB的频率) 解释了38%(22)(中位数(四分位数范围))的ILV方差,74%(33) HP,86%(15)的SAP和72%(21)的DAP。相干和相处 ILV-SAP的VLF峰值为0.76(0.2)和-56°(41),0.71(0.2) 对于SAP-HP为-149°(52),对于-HP为0.77(0.3)和-191°(38) DAP-HP。相移SAP-HP与 VLF峰值处的BRS为0.78(p <0.001)。这项研究表明 CHF的PB期间,呼吸和心血管控制 系统由相同的VLF节奏带动,这解释了大多数 心血管参数的变异性。 SAP的VLF振荡 跟随HP的相应振荡,但是它们在 相反的方向。转变取决于 压力反射



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