首页> 外文会议>Medical Imaging 2003: Physics of Medical Imaging >Characterization of a Direct, full-field Flat-panel Digital Mammography Detector

Characterization of a Direct, full-field Flat-panel Digital Mammography Detector




Our work is to investigate the imaging performance of a direct, full-field prototype digital mammography detector as a function of x-ray exposure and detector operational conditions for digital mammography and advanced applications such as tomosynthesis. Theoretical and experimental methods previously developed for the study of small-area prototype detectors have been applied to the investigation of spatial frequency dependent detective quantum efficiency [DQE(f)] of the full-field prototype detector, which has 2816 x 2048 pixels with 85 μm pixel size. The focus of our study is the impact of scaling up the detector design on imaging performance, e.g. electronic noise, readout rate and image artifacts. The results showed that DQE(f) of the full-field detectors is in the same range as that measured from the small-area prototype detector, both of which are superior to existing technologies based on indirect detection. However DQE(f) drops more rapidly than the small-area prototype as exposure decreases, which is to be expected from the higher electronic noise of the full-field detector. Lag and ghosting, both of which can introduce image artifacts, were studied at typical screening mammography image intervals. The effect of lag can be eliminated with frequent update of the offset images. Ghosting at x-ray dose equivalent to a single view mammogram is negligible.
机译:我们的作品是调查直接,全场原型数字乳房X线摄影探测器的成像性能,作为X射线曝光和探测器的数字乳房X线摄影和诸如Tomos合成的先进应用的函数。以前开发用于研究小区域原型探测器的理论和实验方法已经应用于全场原型检测器的空间依赖侦探量子效率[DQE(F)]的研究,其中具有85个具有2816 x 2048像素的像素μm像素尺寸。我们研究的重点是扩大探测器设计对成像性能的影响,例如,电子噪声,读数率和图像伪影。结果表明,全场检测器的DQE(F)处于与从小区域原型检测器测量的范围相同,这两者都优于基于间接检测的现有技术。然而,DQE(F)比小区域原型更快地降低,因为曝光降低,这是从全场检测器的较高电子噪声预期的。在典型的筛选乳房X线摄影图像间隔中研究了滞后和重影,这两者都可以引入图像伪影。可以通过频繁更新偏移图像来消除滞后的效果。 X射线剂量的重影相当于单视图乳房X线照片可忽略不计。



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