
Toward a Food-Secure World




We are facing a battle against time in safeguarding our natural resources. In his book, The Diversity of Life, Edward O. Wilson has warned that Homo sapiens are in imminent danger of precipitating a biological disaster of a greater magnitude than anything we have witnessed so far in our evolutionary history (Wilson 1992). There is no time to relax if we are to ensure that the Malthusian prophecy of famine and pestilence does not come true in the coming millennium. Legal, educational, and participatory measures of program implementation and benefit sharing will all be needed for promoting a peoples' movement for conservation. It is clear that the concept of sustainable development should be broad based to incorporate considerations of ecology, equity, employment, and energy, in addition to those of economics. This will call for a systems approach in project design and implementation. Both unsustainable lifestyles and unacceptable poverty have to be eliminated. Factors that influence climate and sea level have to be addressed with the seriousness they deserve and need. Sustainable development will become a reality if we keep in mind that the greatest responsibility of our generation, as suggested by Dr. Jonas Salk, is to be good ancestors. The first and foremost responsibility of governments, the corporate sector, and civil society is to give every child an opportunity for the full expression of her or his innate genetic potential for physical and mental development. This is an achievable goal provided the rich regard themselves as trustees of their financial and intellectual wealth and not just as owners. That there is adequate surplus wealth in the world is clear from 20 percent of the human population earning over 80 percent of the global annual income. According to the UNDP's 1996 "Human Development Report," the world's 358 billionaires are worth more than the combined income of the poorest 2.5 billion people (UNDP 1996). If the concept of trusteeship of financial and intellectual wealth becomes the twenty-first century human ethic, we can lay the foundation for a socially, ecologically, and economically sustainable future for humankind. This is the task as well as the hope for the new millennium. It is appropriate to conclude with a statement from a document by the U.S. President's Council on Sustainable Development titled "Sustainable America." Prosperity, fairness, and a healthy environment are interrelated elements of the human dream of a better future. Sustainable development is a way to pursue that dream through choice and policy. (The President's Council 1996, 4).
机译:在保护我们的自然资源方面,我们正面临着与时间的斗争。爱德华·O·威尔逊在他的《生命的多样性》一书中警告说,智人面临着比我们进化史上迄今所见更为严重的一场生物灾难的迫在眉睫的危险(Wilson 1992)。如果我们要确保在下一个千年中实现马尔萨斯关于饥荒和瘟疫的预言,就没有时间放松。必须采取法律,教育和参与性措施来执行方案并分享利益,以促进人民的保护运动。显然,可持续发展的概念应具有广泛的基础,除经济学外,还应纳入生态,公平,就业和能源等方面的考虑。这将要求在项目设计和实施中采用系统方法。不可持续的生活方式和不可接受的贫困都必须消除。影响气候和海平面的因素必须以其应有的和需要的严重性加以解决。如果我们牢记乔纳斯·索尔克博士所建议的这一代人的最大责任就是成为好祖先,那么可持续发展将成为现实。政府,公司部门和公民社会的首要责任是为每个孩子提供一个机会,以充分表达其自身的身心发展潜力。这是可以实现的目标,只要富人将自己视为自己的财务和知识财富的受托人,而不仅仅是他们的所有者。全世界有20%的人口年收入占全球年收入的80%以上,这显然表明世界上有足够的剩余财富。根据联合国开发计划署1996年的《人类发展报告》,全世界358位亿万富翁的身价超过了最贫穷的25亿人口的总收入(联合国开发计划署,1996年)。如果金融和知识财富的托管概念成为二十一世纪的人类道德,我们可以为人类在社会,生态和经济上的可持续发展奠定基础。这是新千年的任务,也是希望。以美国总统可持续发展委员会题为“可持续美国”的文件中的声明作为结束语是适当的。繁荣,公平和健康的环境是人类实现美好未来的梦想的相互关联的要素。可持续发展是通过选择和政策追求梦想的一种方式。 (总统理事会,1996年,第4页)。



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