首页> 外文会议>Conference on materials and device characterization in micromachining >Micromachined aperture probe for combined atomic force and near-field scanning optical microscopy (AFM/NSOM)

Micromachined aperture probe for combined atomic force and near-field scanning optical microscopy (AFM/NSOM)

机译:结合原子力和近场扫描光学显微镜(AFM / NSOM)的微加工孔径探针



Abstract: A novel concept for the realization of a multifunctional scanning probe designed for simultaneous atomic force microscopy and near-field scanning optical microscopy measurements is described. It is based on micromachining and thin film technology and includes the fabrication of a cantilever, an integrated optical waveguide, an aperture probe tip, and the integration of all components into the complete sensor. Key processes are the fabrication of the probe providing a sharp tip together with a small optical aperture and the coupling of light from the integrated optical waveguide into the probe tip. The aperture probe consists of a transparent silicon nitride cone covered with aluminum except for the sharp cone tip thus forming a circular aperture around the protruding tip apex. In order to couple light from the waveguide into the tip a simple structure has been developed and optimized using numerical simulation procedures for the electromagnetic field distribution in the coupling structure. The complete sensor is fabricated in a reliable batch process and experimental evidence for the validity of the coupling concept is given. !10
机译:摘要:描述了一种用于同时原子力显微镜和近场扫描光学显微镜测量的多功能扫描探针的实现的新概念。它基于微机械加工和薄膜技术,包括悬臂的制造,集成的光波导,孔径探针头,以及将所有组件集成到完整传感器中的功能。关键过程是提供尖锐尖端和小光学孔径的探头的制造,以及从集成光波导到探头尖端的光耦合。孔径探头由一个透明的氮化硅锥体组成,除了尖锐的圆锥形尖端外,其余部分都覆盖有铝,因此在突出的尖端顶点周围形成了一个圆形孔。为了将光从波导耦合到尖端中,已经开发了一种简单的结构,并使用数值模拟程序对耦合结构中的电磁场分布进行了优化。完整的传感器以可靠的批量过程制造,并给出了耦合概念有效性的实验证据。 !10


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