
Professional portrait studio for amateur digital photography




Abstract: We describe how to build a professional portable portrait studio that can be used with any consumer camera. The studio allows effortless off-line chroma-key insertion of backgrounds. Digital consumer cameras are designed for delivering acceptable images in typical outdoor or small room situations. The cameras fail when tungsten filament lamps are used. The built-in flash tube is too weak to fill the background in a studio setting and cannot be used to trigger professional electronic-flash lamps because the camera's firmware computes the exposure under the assumption that only the build-in flash tube supplies light to the scene when it is activated. A further problem is the position of the lamps. In the case of digital cameras the position is much more delicate than for silver halide film cameras because the sensor's dynamic range is very small and unwanted shadows are easily created. We present two different lamp set-ups for different size rooms. !3
机译:摘要:我们描述了如何构建可与任何消费类相机配合使用的专业便携式人像工作室。该工作室允许轻松地离线插入背景色键。数码消费类相机旨在在典型的室外或小房间情况下提供可接受的图像。使用钨丝灯时,照相机故障。内置闪光灯太弱,无法在演播室环境中充满背景,因此不能用于触发专业的电子闪光灯,因为相机的固件是在仅内置闪光灯为相机提供光的前提下计算曝光的。激活时的场景。另一个问题是灯的位置。在数码相机的情况下,其位置比卤化银胶片相机要精确得多,这是因为传感器的动态范围很小,而且容易产生不需要的阴影。我们为不同大小的房间提供两种不同的灯设置。 !3



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