
Embedded intelligent SRAM




Many embedded systems use a simple pipelined RISC processor for computation and an on-chip SRAM for data storage. We present an enhancement called Intelligent SRAM (ISRAM) that consists of a small computation unit with an accumulator that is placed near the on-chip SRAM. The computation unit can perform operations on two words from the same SRAM row or on one word from the SRAM and the other from the accumulator. This ISRAM enhancement requires only a few additional instructions to support the computation unit. We present a computation partitioning algorithm that assigns the computations to the processor or to the new computation unit for a given data flow graph of a program. Performance improvement results from the reduction in the number of accesses to the SRAM, the number of instructions, and the number of pipeline stalls compared to the same operations in the processor. Experimental results on various benchmarks show up to 1.46X speedup with our enhancement.
机译:许多嵌入式系统使用简单的流水线RISC处理器进行计算,并使用片上SRAM进行数据存储。我们提出了一种称为智能SRAM(ISRAM)的增强功能,该增强功能由一个小型计算单元和一个位于片上SRAM附近的累加器组成。计算单元可以对同一SRAM行中的两个字执行操作,或者对SRAM中的一个字执行操作,对累加器执行另一个操作。 ISRAM的这种增强仅需要一些额外的指令即可支持计算单元。我们提出了一种计算分区算法,该算法将计算分配给处理器或给定程序数据流图的新计算单元。与处理器中的相同操作相比,性能的提高归因于对SRAM的访问次数,指令数量和流水线停顿数量的减少。在各种基准上的实验结果表明,通过我们的增强,速度提高了1.46倍。



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