
Intuitive and rational information management




Intuition is a term that can have different meanings. It can refer to intuitive knowledge as well as creative acts. Intuition belongs to the creative act and depends on unconscious resources, unburdened by rules of logic, contradictions, and dogmas of common sense. In the formal education, cognitive processes are used more, and the ratio is tied to logic, rules, and frames of thought, all of which must be justified, backed by reasons and arguments that serve to persuade about the truth or the delusion of the matter under consideration. Creativity and an exploratory spirit often involve intuitive processes. This research aims to determine whether students of computing, digital marketing, and market communications (Algebra University College) as well as students of economics (Baltazar Zaprešić University of Applied Sciences) rely more on ratio or intuition during different learning situations and are they threat different for each other? Although most of the students give priority to ratio, it has been shown that in reality they most often use a combination of intuition and ratio regardless of the field of study they are studying.



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