首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication >The Robot Self-Efficacy Scale: Robot Self-Efficacy, Likability and Willingness to Interact Increases After a Robot-Delivered Tutorial

The Robot Self-Efficacy Scale: Robot Self-Efficacy, Likability and Willingness to Interact Increases After a Robot-Delivered Tutorial




An individual’s self-efficacy to interact with a robot has important implications around the content, utility and success of the interaction. Individuals need to achieve a high level of self-efficacy in human robot-interaction in a reasonable time-frame for positive effects to occur in short-term human-robot scenarios. This trial explored the impact of a 2-minute automated robot-delivered tutorial designed to teach people from the general public how to use the robot as a method to increase robot self-efficacy scores. This trial assessed scores before (T1) and after (T2) an interaction with the robot to investigate changes in self-efficacy, likability and willingness to use it. The 40 participants recruited had on average very low level of robotic experience. After the tutorial, people reported significantly higher robot self-efficacy with very large effect sizes to operate a robot and apply the robot to a task ($eta _p^2 = 0.727$ and 0.660). Significant increases in likability and willingness to interact with the robot were also found ($eta _p^2 = 0.465$ and 0.480). Changes in likability and self-efficacy contributed to 64% of the variance in changes to willingness to use the robot. Initial differences were found in robot self-efficacy for older people and those with less robotics and programming experience compared with other participants, but scores across these subgroups were similar after completion of the tutorial. This demonstrated that high levels of self-efficacy, likeability and willingness to use a social robot can be reached in a very short time, and on comparable levels, regardless of age or prior robotics experience. This outcome has significant implications for future trials using social robots, since these variables can strongly influence experimental outcomes.
机译:个人与机器人互动的自我效能感对互动的内容,效用和成功具有重要意义。个人需要在合理的时间范围内实现人机交互的高水平自我效能,以在短期人机场景中产生积极影响。该试验探索了由机器人提供的2分钟自动化教程的影响,该教程旨在教公众如何使用机器人作为提高机器人自我效能得分的方法。该试验评估了在与机器人互动之前(T1)和之后(T2)的分数,以调查自我效能,友善程度和使用意愿的变化。所招募的40名参与者的机器人经验平均水平非常低。在学习完本教程后,人们报告说,机器人的自我效能要高得多,并且具有非常大的效果尺寸,可以操作机器人并将机器人应用于任务($ \ eta _p ^ 2 = 0.727 $和0.660)。人们还发现,与机器人互动的喜好程度和互动意愿显着提高($ \ eta _p ^ 2 = 0.465 $和0.480)。宜人性和自我效能感的变化造成了使用机器人意愿变化的64%。与其他参与者相比,发现老年人的机器人自我效能以及与机器人和编程经验较少的人的机器人自我效能存在最初的差异,但是在完成本教程后,这些亚组的分数相似。这表明,无论年龄大小或先前的机器人技术经验如何,都可以在很短的时间内并在相当的水平上达到较高的自我效能感,喜欢度和使用社交机器人的意愿。由于这些变量会强烈影响实验结果,因此该结果对使用社交机器人进行的未来试验具有重大意义。



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