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On Parameter Mismatch for Hidden Markov Models Applied to Indoor Localization




Hidden Markov Chains (HMCs) and, more recently, Hidden semi-Markov Chains (HsMCs) have been used by several groups of researchers to provide a model for indoor localization. A homogeneous HMC is completely determined by the state initial probability vector and the state transition probability matrix. This is also true for the HsMC provided the state duration probability is given. These parameters are often chosen heuristically but when sufficient measurement training data are available, they can be learned using the well-known Baum-Welch algorithm. Given the model parameters, approaches such as the forward-only algorithm, the forward-backwards algorithm and the Viterbi algorithm can be applied for state sequence inference under the HMC/HsMC framework. In indoor localization applications, there is often insufficient prior information to specify such parameters in advance of the application and they have to be learned from limited amounts of training data. In this paper, we endeavour to evaluate the parameter learning accuracy of the Baum-Welch algorithm using varying amounts of training data, and evaluate the influence of applying inaccurate model parameters on these typical state estimation algorithms under both the HMC and HsMC frameworks. All of the evaluations are based on received signal strength (RSS) for application to indoor localization.
机译:隐马尔可夫链(HMC)和最近的隐半马尔可夫链(HsMC)已被几组研究人员用来为室内定位提供模型。均匀HMC完全由状态初始概率向量和状态转移概率矩阵确定。如果给出了状态持续时间概率,则对于HsMC也是如此。这些参数通常是通过试探法选择的,但是当有足够的测量训练数据可用时,可以使用众所周知的Baum-Welch算法来学习它们。给定模型参数,可以在HMC / HsMC框架下将诸如仅向前算法,向前-向后算法和Viterbi算法之类的方法用于状态序列推断。在室内定位应用中,通常没有足够的先验信息来指定应用之前的此类参数,因此必须从数量有限的训练数据中学习这些参数。在本文中,我们致力于使用变化量的训练数据来评估Baum-Welch算法的参数学习准确性,并评估在HMC和HsMC框架下,应用不正确的模型参数对这些典型状态估计算法的影响。所有评估均基于用于室内定位的接收信号强度(RSS)。



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