
Multipurpose Edge-Lit based Lixie Display




This paper reviews the process to manufacture a Lixie display and illustrates the results of Lixie, which is an LED alternative to Nixie tube [1]. Lixie is an edge- lit display, which works on the principle of internal reflection. Lixie is simply a modern spin on the old Nixie tubes, it includes 7 successively stacked acrylic sheets, and each engraved with a particular segment, hence making a complete 7-segment display. A certain number of RGB LEDs are powered up for displaying a particular number on the Lixie. In order to make a Lixie display, digital fabrication tools have been used, which include Laser cutting, 3D printing, CNC (Computer Numerical Control), electronics production, Interface programming and Input/Output Devices [2]. The paper further presents an overall comparison between Nixie tube and Lixie display in terms of cost, reliability, portability and power requirement. Conclusively, it has been shown through results that Lixie is cost-effective, reliable and low power (5V DC) technique which provides captivating display made on acrylic sheets. At the end of paper, several future prospects are discussed, which enhances the functionality of Lixie display making it suitable for a variety of display based applications.
机译:本文综述了制造Lixie展示的过程,并说明了Lixie的结果,这是Nixie Tube [1]的LED替代方案。 LIXIE是一个优势展示,它适用于内部反射的原则。 Lixie只是在旧的Nixie管上的现代化旋转,它包括7个连续堆叠的丙烯酸片,每个都刻有特定的段,因此制作完整的7段显示。一定数量的RGB LED被通电,以便在LIXIE上显示特定数字。为了制作Lixie显示,已经使用了数字制造工具,包括激光切割,3D打印,CNC(计算机数控),电子制作,接口编程和输入/输出设备[2]。本文进一步介绍了尼西管和莱西在成本,可靠性,便携性和电源要求方面显示的总体比较。结论,通过Lixie具有成本效益,可靠和低功耗(5V直流)技术,可以通过结果显示,该技术提供了在丙烯酸片上制造的迷你展示。在纸结束时,讨论了一些未来的前景,这提高了Lixie显示的功能,使其适用于各种基于显示的应用。



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