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Improving Reliability of Object Detection for Lunar Craters Using Monte Carlo Dropout




In the task of detecting craters on the lunar surface, some craters were difficult to detect correctly, and a Deep Neural Network (DNN) could not represent the uncertainty of such detection. However, a measure of uncertainty could be expressed as the variance of the prediction by using Monte Carlo Dropout Sampling (MC Dropout). Although MC Dropout has often been applied to fully connected layers in a network in recent studies, many convolutional layers are used to recognize the subtle features of a crater in the crater-detecting network. In this paper, we extended the application of MC Dropout to a network having a number of convolutional layers, and also evaluated the methodology of dropping out the convolutional layers. As a result, in the convolutional neural network, we represent the more correct variance by using filter-based dropout and evaluating the uncertainty for each feature map size. The precision of prediction in lunar crater detection was improved by 2.1% by rejecting a prediction result with high variance as a false positive compared with the variance when predicting the training data.
机译:在检测月球表面陨石坑的任务中,有些陨石坑很难正确检测,而深度神经网络(DNN)不能代表这种探测的不确定性。但是,不确定性的度量可以表示为通过使用蒙特卡洛辍学采样(MC Dropout)进行的预测方差。尽管在最近的研究中,MC Dropout经常应用于网络中的全连接层,但是许多卷积层用于识别火山口检测网络中火山口的微妙特征。在本文中,我们将MC Dropout的应用扩展到了具有许多卷积层的网络,并且还评估了丢弃卷积层的方法。结果,在卷积神经网络中,我们通过使用基于过滤器的辍学并评估每个特征图大小的不确定性来表示更正确的方差。与预测训练数据时的方差相比,通过拒绝具有高方差的假阳性结果作为假阳性,可以将月球陨石坑检测的预测精度提高2.1%。



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