首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks >IBDNet: Lightweight Network for On-orbit Image Blind Denoising

IBDNet: Lightweight Network for On-orbit Image Blind Denoising




To reduce the data transmission pressure from the satellite to the ground, it is meaningful to process the image directly on the satellite. As the cornerstone of image processing, image denoising exceedingly improves the image quality to contribute to subsequent works. For on-orbit image denoising, we propose an end-to-end trainable image blind denoising network, namely IBDNet. Unlike existing image denoising methods, which either have a large number of parameters or are unable to perform image blind denoising, the proposed network is lightweight due to the residual bottleneck blocks as the main structure. Although our network does not use clean images for training, the experimental results on the public datasets indicate that the blindly denoised image quality of our method can be roughly the same as that of the state-of-the-art denoisers. Furthermore, we deploy the model (513 KB only) on the same equipment as the one on a satellite, which verifies the feasibility of running on the satellite.
机译:为了降低从卫星到地面的数据传输压力,直接在卫星上处理图像非常有意义。作为图像处理的基础,图像去噪极大地改善了图像质量,有助于后续工作。对于在轨图像降噪,我们提出了一种端到端的可训练图像盲降噪网络,即IBDNet。与现有的图像去噪方法不同,现有的图像去噪方法要么具有大量参数,要么无法执行图像盲降噪,而由于残留的瓶颈块作为主要结构,因此该网络是轻量级的。尽管我们的网络没有使用干净的图像进行训练,但是公开数据集上的实验结果表明,我们方法的盲目去噪图像质量可以与最新的去噪器大致相同。此外,我们将模型(仅513 KB)部署在与卫星上相同的设备上,这验证了在卫星上运行的可行性。



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