
Predicting Music Popularity Using Music Charts




Online streaming platforms have become the most important method of music consumption. Most streaming platforms provide tools to assess the popularity of a song by means of scores and rankings. In this paper, we present a methodology for predicting if a song will appear on Spotify's Top 50 Global ranking after a certain amount of time. Spotify is one of the biggest streaming services and if a song is popular on this platform, it is likely to ensure good financial return to the artists and their label. We approach the problem as a classification task and employ classifiers built on past information from the platform's Top 50 Global ranking, in addition to acoustic features from the songs. The Support Vector Machine classifier with RBF kernel reached the best results in our experiments with an AUC higher than 80% when predicting the popularity of songs two months in advance.
机译:在线流媒体平台已成为最重要的音乐消费方式。大多数流媒体平台都提供工具来通过分数和排名来评估歌曲的受欢迎程度。在本文中,我们提供了一种方法,用于预测一段时间后歌曲是否会出现在Spotify的全球前50名排名中。 Spotify是最大的流媒体服务之一,如果一首歌曲在该平台上很流行,它很可能确保为艺术家及其唱片公司带来可观的经济回报。我们将问题视为分类任务,并使用基于平台前50名全球排名的过去信息建立的分类器,以及歌曲的声学特征。当我们提前两个月预测歌曲的受欢迎程度时,带有RBF内核的Support Vector Machine分类器在我们的实验中达到了最佳结果,AUC高于80%。



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