首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies >Predicting Social Network Users with Depression from Simulated Temporal Data

Predicting Social Network Users with Depression from Simulated Temporal Data




Mental health issues are widely accepted as one of the most prominent health challenges in the world, with over 300 million people currently suffering from depression alone. With massive volumes of user-generated data on social networking platforms, researchers are increasingly using machine learning to determine whether this content can be used to detect mental health problems in users. This study aims to investigate whether training a predictive model with multiple instance learning (MIL) via Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and gated recurrent unit (GRU) can improve the performance of a predictive model to detect social network users with depression. The power of MIL is to learn from user-level labels to identify post-level labels. By combining every possibility of posts label category, it can generate temporal posting profiles which can then be used to classify users with depression. This study highlights that training a MIL model via LSTM and GRU can improve the accuracy of a MIL model trained with convolutional neural networks.
机译:精神健康问题已被广泛认为是世界上最突出的健康挑战之一,目前仅抑郁症就有3亿人患有精神疾病。随着社交网络平台上用户生成大量数据,研究人员越来越多地使用机器学习来确定此内容是否可用于检测用户的心理健康问题。这项研究旨在调查通过长期短期记忆(LSTM)和门控循环单元(GRU)的多实例学习(MIL)训练预测模型是否可以提高预测模型的性能,以检测抑郁症的社交网络用户。 MIL的功能是从用户级别的标签中学习,以识别后级别的标签。通过组合各种可能性的帖子标签类别,它可以生成临时的发布概况,然后可以将其用于对抑郁症患者进行分类。这项研究强调,通过LSTM和GRU训练MIL模型可以提高使用卷积神经网络训练的MIL模型的准确性。



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