首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics Cognitive Computing >On the Nature of Natural Intelligence — A Revision of Laozi

On the Nature of Natural Intelligence — A Revision of Laozi




“The Dao that can be told is not the eternal Dao; the name that can be named is not the eternal name ”-the oft-quoted and widely loved word of Laozi has been an impasse in every aspect of science and humanity especially in cognitive science and natural intelligence. However, it is argued in this article that overcoming the impasse is an inevitable step for the development of a formal equilibrium-based bipolar dynamic causal system of being and revealing. This argument is based on the assertion that the universe is fundamentally a bipolar dynamic equilibrium of particles and antiparticles or negative and positive en-ergy/information under the unification of science and philosophy. Subsequently, a revision of Laozi is proposed, and the logic of natural intelligence is told. This development leads to a number of predictions. In particular, it predicted that, if ancient Greek philosophy laid the foundation of science with its being-centered and truth-based formal system, the scientific reincarnation of ancient Chinese philosophy must build the roof of science with its har-mony-centered and equilibrium-based formal system. Otherwise, the reincarnation would be impossible.



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