




On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 2018 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC) held at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta, on September 30 - October 3, 2018. The conference venue is located in the heart of downtown Atlanta and only blocks away from major attractions such as the Georgia Aquarium and World of Coco Cola. DSCC is the flagship conference of the ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division (DSCD), and we are celebrating its eleventh anniversary this year. This year's technical program contains 238 original papers organized in 9 invited sessions and 33 contributed sessions, which span all core areas of interest to the dynamic systems and control community. In addition, the conference features four exciting plenary talks given by our distinguished colleagues: Professor Huei Peng from University of Michigan delivering his Nyquist Lecture on how control theory improves energy-efficiency and safety of automotive systems; Professor Marcia O'Malley from Rice University speaking on the role of physical interaction in enabling robots to teach and learn from humans; Professor Roberto Horowitz from University of California, Berkeley, delivering his Oldenburger Lecture on modeling, control and estimation of traffic road networks; and Professor Magnus Egerstedt from Georgia Tech discussing new advances in long-duration autonomy and constraint-based coordination of multi-robot systems. The conference also offers five workshops on emerging topics including data analytics, energy-efficient mobile and wearable robotic systems, connected and automated vehicles, autonomous rotorcraft operation, and mechatronics and robotics education.
机译:我们非常荣幸地代表组委会欢迎您参加2018年9月30日至10月3日在亚特兰大凯悦酒店举行的2018 ASME动态系统和控制会议(DSCC)。亚特兰大市中心的心脏地带,距离主要景点,例如乔治亚水族馆和可口可乐世界仅几步之遥。 DSCC是ASME动态系统和控制部(DSCD)的旗舰会议,今年我们将庆祝其成立11周年。今年的技术计划包含238篇原创论文,分9场邀请会议和33篇贡献会议进行组织,涵盖了动态系统和控制社区感兴趣的所有核心领域。此外,会议还由我们杰出的同事作了四场激动人心的全体演讲:密歇根大学的彭慧ei教授在奈奎斯特讲座上发表了有关控制理论如何提高汽车系统的能效和安全性的讲座。赖斯大学的玛西娅·奥马利(Marcia O'Malley)教授谈到了物理交互在使机器人向人类教与学中的作用;来自加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校的Roberto Horowitz教授发表了他的Oldenburger讲座,内容涉及交通路网的建模,控制和估计;来自佐治亚理工学院的Magnus Egerstedt教授讨论了多机器人系统的长期自治和基于约束的协调方面的新进展。会议还提供了五个关于新兴主题的讲习班,包括数据分析,高能效移动和可穿戴机器人系统,联网和自动车辆,自动旋翼飞机操作以及机电一体化和机器人技术教育。



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