
Neuro-Ensemble for Time Series Data Classification




Combining a set of classification algorithms is a powerful technique in improving the accuracy of individual classifiers. There are two main paradigms in combining classifiers: classifier selection, where each classifier is considered as an expert in some local area of the feature space, and classifier fusion, where all classifiers are trained over the entire feature space and they are considered as competitive and complementary to each other. In this paper, we propose a new ensemble technique, NeuroEnsemble, that follows the classifier fusion paradigm applied on time series data. The Neuro-Ensemble exploits the idea that different classifiers participating in the ensemble have varying degrees of expertise on learning different class labels and it optimizes the ensemble using a shallow Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) based meta-learner to capture the expertise of individual classifiers. Every neuron in the MLP represents a classifier that contributes with a vote and performs activation and state computations. This work is the first attempt to train a neural network for learning the expertise of each classifier in an ensemble and optimize the entire classification schema based on class-level expertise weights. We validated our Neuro-Ensemble on 43 real-world time series datasets from the UCR repository. Our experimental results show the effectiveness and efficiency of our approach in comparison with individual baseline learners and ensemble techniques.
机译:组合一组分类算法是提高单个分类器准确性的一项强大技术。组合分类器有两种主要范例:分类器选择和分类器融合,分类器选择将每个分类器视为特征空间某些局部区域的专家,分类器融合将所有分类器在整个特征空间中进行训练,并被认为具有竞争性。彼此互补。在本文中,我们提出了一种新的集成技术NeuroEnsemble,它遵循应用于时间序列数据的分类器融合范例。 Neuro-Ensemble利用这样的思想,即参与集合的不同分类器在学习不同的类别标签方面具有不同程度的专业知识,并且它使用基于浅层多层感知器(MLP)的元学习器来优化集合,以捕获各个分类器的专业知识。 MLP中的每个神经元都代表一个分类器,该分类器参与投票并执行激活和状态计算。这项工作是训练神经网络以集成学习每个分类器的专业知识并基于类级专业知识权重优化整个分类方案的首次尝试。我们在UCR资料库中的43个真实世界时间序列数据集上验证了Neuro-Ensemble。我们的实验结果表明,与单个基准学习者和集成技术相比,该方法的有效性和效率。



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