首页> 外文会议>IAPR international conference on discrete geometry for computer imagery >Recognition of Digital Polyhedra with a Fixed Number of Faces Is Decidable in Dimension 3

Recognition of Digital Polyhedra with a Fixed Number of Faces Is Decidable in Dimension 3




We consider a conjecture on lattice polytopes Q ⊂ R~d (the vertices are integer points) or equivalently on finite subsets S ⊂ Z~d, Q and S being related by Q ∩ Z~d = S or Q = conv(S): given the vertices of Q or the list of points of S and an integer n, the problem to determine whether there exists a (rational) polyhedron P ⊂ R~d with at most n faces and verifying P ∩ Z~d = S is decidable. In terms of computational geometry, it's a problem of polyhedral separability of S and Z~dS but the infinite number of points of Z~d S makes it intractable for classical algorithms. This problem of digital geometry is however very natural since it is a kind of converse of Integer Linear Programming. The conjecture is proved in dimension d = 2 and in arbitrary dimension for non hollow lattice polytopes Q [6]. The purpose of the paper is to extend the result to hollow polytopes in dimension d = 3. An important part of the work is already done in [5] but it remains three special cases for which the set of outliers can not be reduced to a finite set: planar sets, pyramids and marquees. Each case is solved with a particular method which proves the conjecture in dimension d = 3.
机译:我们考虑对格多点Q⊂R〜d(顶点是整数点)或等价于有限子集S⊂Z〜d的猜想,Q和S与Q∩Z〜d = S或Q = conv(S)相关:给定Q的顶点或S的点的列表以及一个整数n,确定是否存在(理性的)多面体P⊂R〜d最多具有n个面并验证P∩Z〜d = S的问题是可以决定的在计算几何学上,这是S和Z〜d \ S的多面可分离性的问题,但是Z〜d \ S的点数无限使得它对于经典算法来说是难以解决的。然而,数字几何的问题非常自然,因为它与整数线性编程相反。对于非空心格子多面体Q [6],该猜想在维数d = 2和任意维数中得到证明。本文的目的是将结果扩展到维数为d = 3的空心多面体。[5]中已经完成了工作的重要部分,但仍然存在三种特殊情况,无法将异常值集简化为a。有限集:平面集,金字塔和选取框。每种情况都可以通过一种特殊的方法求解,该方法可以证明d = 3维上的猜想。



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