首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering >Mobile Robotic Radiation Surveying Using Recursive Bayesian Estimation

Mobile Robotic Radiation Surveying Using Recursive Bayesian Estimation




Nuclear facilities require wide-area surveys and remote response to the detection of abnormal radiation levels. These typically require a large number of measurement locations using fixed search patterns. Such approaches are time-consuming, require extended radiation exposure, and are difficult to routinely replicate by technicians. This paper presents an automated method of detecting and locating single or multiple small gamma-ray sources in an unstructured environment, requiring significantly fewer measurements than traditional methods and without a need for post-processing. A mobile robot can collect higher-precision data than practically possible by a human and removes the technician from the radiation area. This is enabled by addressing complexities that previously made automation difficult including supervisory control, obstacle avoidance, sensor positioning over a large height range, recognizing environmental complexities (shielding, etc and modifying survey parameters based on aberrant readings. The developed solution uses a mobile platform with a height-adjustable (up to 2.44 meters) radiation detector. Recursive Bayesian Estimation (RBE) is used to update a probability distribution of the location and intensity of source(s) after each measurement. The likelihood function is determined using radiation transport and detector models. Isotopic identification via a gamma library search aids data analysis by distinguishing counts from different sources. Computation considerations are discussed including predicting and localizing multiple sources.



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