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Gender differences in the language of the Map Task dialogues




A number of studies have revealed differences in distributions of linguistic features in the language produced by males and females and for a variety of text types (formal and informal prose, dialogue). A typical finding is a greater proportion of pronoun use among women than among men. Recently, HansJorg Schmid analyzed the Human Communication Research Center (HCRC) Map Task dialogues as a context in which topic of discussion is controlled and reports variations for a number of individual items. We report here on our own exploration of the HCRC Map Task data examining categories of lexical items, and in relation to the factors that are supported by the experimental design in the construction of the Map Task: speaker gender, partner gender, prior interpersonal familiarity, task-based role, eye-contact. We find that some of the trends that have been discussed in the past depend on interactions of these factors.
机译:多项研究表明,男性和女性使用的语言以及各种文本类型(正式和非正式散文,对话)的语言特征分布存在差异。一个典型的发现是,女性中代词使用的比例高于男性。最近,汉斯·佐格·施密德(HansJorg Schmid)分析了人类传播研究中心(HCRC)的“地图任务”对话,以此作为控制讨论主题的背景,并报告了许多单独项目的变化。我们在这里报告我们自己对HCRC地图任务数据的探索,该数据检查了词汇项目的类别,并与构建地图任务时实验设计所支持的因素有关:说话者性别,伴侣性别,先前的人际关系,基于任务的角色,目光接触。我们发现,过去已经讨论过的某些趋势取决于这些因素的相互作用。



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