首页> 外文会议>Annual conference of the International Society of Exposure Science >Diversity of Modes of Exposure to Marijuana in a Sample of US Adult Co-Users of Marijuana and Tobacco

Diversity of Modes of Exposure to Marijuana in a Sample of US Adult Co-Users of Marijuana and Tobacco




Aim Vaporizing has become a popular alternative to smoking for recreational and medicinal consumption of cannabis. Currently available vaporizing devices range from large tabletop units connected to electric outlets, to small battery operated handheld vape-pens. Some vaporizers need to be loaded by the user with herbal cannabis, while others rely on preloaded cartridges filled with so-called e-liquids containing cannabis extracts. Besides the psychoactive cannabis compound THC, increasingly the non-psychoactive cannabinoid CBD is also consumed in this form. Although it is claimed that vaporizing is healthier than smoking, virtually none of the currently available vaporizers, or the cartridges that are used with them, have been tested for any form of safety or efficacy. This presentation will present an overview of scientific data currently available about vaporizing cannabis and cannabinoids. Methods This presentation provides an overview of analytical data on the safety, reproducibility and efficacy of vaporizing cannabis for medicinal purpose. This data was obtained by the author during his scientific work over the last 15 years on medicinal cannabis as part of the Dutch Medicinal Cannabis Program. Vaporizers covered include the Volcano Digit and Medic by Storz&Bickel, the MiniVap vaporizer by Hermes Medical Engineering, and various others. Special attention will be given to the chemical composition of the vapor released by vaporizers, and the risks of environmental exposure to secondhand vapor. Parameters studied include type and dose of cannabis used, airflow, temperature setting, and type of heating source. Results Based on the lessons learned on vaporizing cannabis and cannabinoids, an optimized strategy is presented for the application of vaporizing for medical use. By a systematic evaluation of tested parameters, evaporation of active cannabis components is maximized, while avoiding the creation of harmful degradation products. Based on the obtained results, a prototype of an optimized vaporizer is currently entering clinical trials, and is being approved as a medical device. These data are important for use of vaporizers in public spaces, as well as for the set-up of clinical trials, where occupational exposure to cannabis compounds is often considered a serious risk by medical staff. Conclusions Vaporizing has the potential to replace smoking of cannabis, specifically for medical use. Lessons learned in this arena can be applied to consumption of recreational cannabis use, in order to reduce health risks for cannabis users, and limit secondhand exposure to THC and other harmful compounds.
机译:目的汽化已成为替代吸烟的一种流行替代品,用于大麻的娱乐性和药用性消费。当前可用的汽化设备的范围从连接到电源插座的大型台式设备到小型电池供电的手持式电子烟笔。用户需要向某些汽化器装载草药大麻,而其他汽化器则需要装有装有大麻提取物的所谓电子液体的预装药筒。除了精神活性大麻化合物THC外,非精神活性大麻素CBD也越来越多地以这种形式消费。尽管声称汽化比吸烟更健康,但实际上,目前尚未对任何可用的汽化器或与之配套的烟盒进行任何形式的安全性或有效性测试。本演讲将概述目前有关蒸发大麻和大麻素的科学数据。方法本演示文稿概述了用于药用的汽化大麻的安全性,可重复性和功效的分析数据。该数据是作者在过去15年中对药用大麻的科学研究中获得的,这是荷兰药用大麻计划的一部分。涵盖的蒸发器包括Storz&Bickel的Volcano Digit和Medic,Hermes Medical Engineering的MiniVap蒸发器,以及其他各种产品。将特别关注由蒸发器释放的蒸气的化学组成,以及环境暴露于二手蒸气的风险。研究的参数包括使用的大麻的类型和剂量,气流,温度设定和加热源的类型。结果根据吸取大麻和大麻素气化的经验教训,提出了一种用于医疗用途的气化应用的优化策略。通过对测试参数的系统评估,活性大麻成分的蒸发得以最大化,同时避免了有害降解产物的产生。基于获得的结果,一种优化的蒸发器的原型目前正在进入临床试验,并被批准用作医疗设备。这些数据对于在公共场所使用蒸发器以及进行临床试验非常重要,因为在临床试验中,医务人员通常认为职业性接触大麻化合物具有严重风险。结论汽化有可能替代大麻的吸烟,特别是用于医疗用途。该领域的经验教训可用于消遣性大麻消费,以减少大麻使用者的健康风险,并限制二手烟对四氢大麻酚和其他有害化合物的接触。



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