首页> 外文会议>International conference on neural information processing >A Game-Engine-Based Learning Environment Framework for Artificial General Intelligence Toward Democratic AGI

A Game-Engine-Based Learning Environment Framework for Artificial General Intelligence Toward Democratic AGI




Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) refers to machine intelligence that can effectively conduct variety of human tasks. Therefore AGI research requires multivariate and realistic learning environments. In recent years, game engines capable of constructing highly realistic 3D virtual worlds have also become available at low cost. In accordance with these changes, we developed the "Life in Silico" (LIS) framework, which provides virtual agents with learning algorithms and their learning environments with game engine. This should in turn allow for easier and more flexible AGI research. Furthermore, non-experts will be able to play with the framework, which would enable them to research as their hobby. If AGI research becomes popular in this manner, we may see a sudden acceleration towards the "Democratization of AGI".
机译:人工智能(AGI)是指可以有效执行各种人工任务的机器智能。因此,AGI研究需要多元和现实的学习环境。近年来,能够构建高度逼真的3D虚拟世界的游戏引擎也已经以低成本提供。根据这些更改,我们开发了“计算机生活”(LIS)框架,该框架为虚拟代理提供学习算法,并为他们的学习环境提供游戏引擎。反过来,这应该可以使AGI研究更轻松,更灵活。此外,非专家将能够使用该框架,这将使他们能够作为自己的业余爱好进行研究。如果AGI研究以这种方式流行起来,我们可能会突然走向“ AGI民主化”。



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