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Looking for 'the Big Picture' on a Small Screen: A Note on Overview Support in Cooperative Work




Large, shared displays - such as electronic whiteboards - have proven successful in supporting actors in forming and maintaining an overview of tightly coupled cooperative activities. However, in many developing countries the technology of choice is mobile phones, which have neither a large nor a shared screen. It therefore appears relevant to ask: How may mobile devices with small screens support, or fail to support, actors in forming and maintaining an overview of their cooperative activities? This note contrasts the strengths of large, shared displays with those of small, mobile devices and briefly describes the mKrishi app for providing fishers in the Maharashtra state of India with an overview of the locations where there is likely to be many fish.
机译:大型共用显示器 - 如电子白板 - 已成功地支持在形成和维护紧密耦合的合作活动方面的演员。然而,在许多发展中国家中,选择技术是手机,它既没有大型也不是共享屏幕。因此,它看起来与询问相关:如何使用小屏幕支持的移动设备支持,或者无法支持,演员在形成和维护其合作活动的概述?本说明对比小型移动设备的大型广告显示器的优势和简要描述了Mkrishi应用程序,用于在印度马哈拉施特拉邦提供渔民,并概述可能有许多鱼的位置。



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