首页> 外文会议>Experiment@ International Conference >Feeling the elastic force with a haptic device: A learning experience with K12 and first year engineering students

Feeling the elastic force with a haptic device: A learning experience with K12 and first year engineering students




This work analyzes how K12 students and engineering freshmen have been using a haptic device to feel the elastic force on a spring. In particular, results on the motivating potential of such a learning tool are shown and the answers to conceptual questions about the spring elastic constant and Hooke's law are analyzed. It is clear from the results that both groups of students found the activity to clarify the involved concepts and to serve as a motivating factor. This learning experience was useful to test the built prototype and the underlying methodology based on the use of technology to access students' knowledge. Centred on the results and on how students used the device and on how they answered conceptual questions, it is possible to propose improvements to the developed application in order to enhance and deeper explore its potential as a learning tool.



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