首页> 外文会议>Annual conference of the International Society of Exposure Science >Online Questionnaires for Gathering Exposure Factors for Dermal Exposure to Consumer Articles (Textiles, PVC Flooring and Paper): Results and Experience from the DRESS Project

Online Questionnaires for Gathering Exposure Factors for Dermal Exposure to Consumer Articles (Textiles, PVC Flooring and Paper): Results and Experience from the DRESS Project




Dermal exposure to substances present in articles is more than likely affected by the nature, frequency, area and duration of contact between articles and skin. By lack of sound information on these dermal exposure factors for articles, crude assumptions are currently applied in lower tier dermal exposure models for articles, and even in higher tier dermal exposure assessment studies published in scientific literature. In order to advance from assumption-based towards facts-based exposure factors for dermal exposure to substances in articles, an online questionnaire was launched in the framework of the DRESS (DeRmal Exposure assessment Strategies) project. The final aim was to recruit information on habits and practices in order to derive sound exposure factors. The questionnaire was focused on three article categories: textiles, PVC flooring and paper articles, covering in total about 20 specific articles. The questionnaire included dedicated questions about penetration of the articles in their everyday life, frequency and duration of contact with specific articles, use context and habits. The online questionnaire was completed by 9000 individuals (> 18 years), recruited from the IPSOS panel in 6 EU countries (Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, Poland, Sweden, UK). The sample population was a balanced representation of society in terms of region, age, gender, and occupational status. Survey results will be presented, including variability of responses, and differences between regions, gender and age. It will be explained how the survey results were used for derivation of dermal exposure factors, exposure scenario development, and illustrations in case studies will be given. In addition, limitations of the use of questionnaires for derivation of some dermal exposure factors will be discussed, together with suggestions for alternative approaches. Acknowledgments: Project funded by Cefic LRI contract LRI B9.
机译:皮肤暴露于物品中存在的物质极有可能受到物品与皮肤之间接触的性质,频率,面积和持续时间的影响。由于缺乏关于这些物品的皮肤接触因素的可靠信息,目前粗略的假设被应用于物品的较低层皮肤接触模型,甚至在科学文献中发表的较高层皮肤接触评估研究中也是如此。为了使文章中的皮肤对皮肤的接触从基于假设的接触因素发展为基于事实的接触因素,在DRESS(人体暴露评估策略)项目的框架内启动了在线调查表。最终目的是招募有关习惯和做法的信息,以便得出声音暴露的因素。问卷主要针对三类商品:纺织品,PVC地板和纸质商品,总共涵盖约20种特定商品。问卷包括一些专门的问题,涉及文章在日常生活中的渗透性,与特定文章接触的频率和持续时间,使用背景和习惯。在线调查问卷由9000个个体(> 18年)完成,这些个体是从6个欧盟国家(捷克共和国,德国,西班牙,波兰,瑞典,英国)的IPSOS小组中招募而来的。样本人群在地区,年龄,性别和职业状况方面是社会的均衡代表。将提供调查结果,包括答复的差异以及地区,性别和年龄之间的差异。将解释如何将调查结果用于皮肤接触因子的推导,接触场景的发展以及案例研究中的插图。此外,还将讨论使用问卷调查表得出某些皮肤接触因子的局限性,以及其他方法的建议。致谢:该项目由Cefic LRI合同LRI B9资助。



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