首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems >An Improved Control Strategy Based on the Duty Ratio Modulation to Reduce the Torque Ripple in Direct Torque Control of BLDCM

An Improved Control Strategy Based on the Duty Ratio Modulation to Reduce the Torque Ripple in Direct Torque Control of BLDCM




In this paper, an improved control strategy (ICS) based on the duty ratio modulation, by properly matching the positive voltage vectors with the new zero voltage vectors (ZVVs), is proposed in direct torque control (DTC) of brushless DC motor (BLDCM). The traditional voltage switching table for the six switches of the converter is modified according to this strategy to minimize the torque ripple. The ICS has been proved to be easy to realize, fast in dynamic response, insensitive to system parameters and economical in hardware. The analysis on the calculation model and the experimental results show that the ICS is more effective than the traditional one in reducing the torque ripple.
机译:在本文中,通过适当地匹配具有新的零电压矢量(ZVVs)的正电压矢量的基于占空比调制的改进的控制策略(IC),在无刷直流电动机的直接扭矩控制(DTC)中,(BLDCM )。根据该策略修改转换器的六个开关的传统电压切换台,以最小化扭矩纹波。事实证明,ICS易于实现,快速地在动态响应中,对系统参数不敏感,硬件中经济。计算模型的分析与实验结果表明,ICS比传统扭转扭转率更有效。



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