




The 7th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technology (AOMATT) was held 26-29 April 2014 at the Harbin International Conference Center, China. AOMATT 2014 was kicked off with a formal opening ceremony. The ceremony started with the introduction of VIP guests, symposium chairs, conference chairs, and plenary speakers, followed by opening speeches by Prof. Liwei Zhou, AOMATT 2014 Symposium Chairman, Prof. Bin Xu, Vice President of IOE, a sponsor of AOMATT 2014, and Prof. Yingchun Liang, Assistant President of Harbin Institute of Technology, a local co-sponsor of AOMATT 2014. Dr. H. Philip Stahl, 2014 President of SPIE, technical cosponsor of AOMATT 2014, could not attend the symposium this year due to a schedule conflict, but sent his congratulation letter. In his letter, Dr. Stahl gave high marks for AOMATT and stated: AOMATT is a very successful collaboration between SPIE, the Institute of Optics and Electronics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Chinese Optical Society. It has become a well-known international symposium on advanced optical manufacturing and testing technologies. The vision of AOMATT is closely aligned with SPIE's mission to promote optics and photonics around the world.
机译:第七届国际先进光学制造和测试技术研讨会(AOMATT)于2014年4月26日至29日在中国哈尔滨国际会议中心举行。 2014年AOMATT正式开幕典礼拉开了帷幕。颁奖典礼首先介绍了贵宾,座谈会主席,会议主持人和全体演讲嘉宾,然后由AOMATT 2014周立伟教授致开幕词研讨会主席,2014年AOMATT赞助商IOE副总裁徐斌教授,以及AOMATT 2014的本地赞助商哈尔滨工业大学助理校长梁迎春教授。2014 SPIE主席,AOMATT 2014的技术赞助商H. Philip Stahl博士因今年无法参加本次研讨会参加日程安排有冲突,但给他发了祝贺信。 Stahl博士在信中对AOMATT给予了很高的评价,并指出:AOMATT是SPIE,中国科学院光学与电子研究所和中国光学学会之间非常成功的合作。它已成为有关先进光学制造和测试技术的国际知名研讨会。 AOMATT的愿景与SPIE在全球推广光学和光子学的使命紧密相关。



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