首页> 外文会议>ACM international conference on information and knowledge management >Supporting Temporal Analytics for Health-Related Events in Microblogs

Supporting Temporal Analytics for Health-Related Events in Microblogs




Microblogging services, such as Twitter, are gaining interests as a means of sharing information in social networks. Numerous works have shown the potential of using Twitter messages (or tweets) in order to infer the existence and magnitude of real-world events. In the medical domain, there has been a surge in detecting public health related tweets for early warning so that a rapid response from health authorities can take place. In this paper, we present a temporal analytics tool for supporting a comparative, temporal analysis of disease outbreaks between Twitter and official sources, such as, World Health Organization (WHO) and ProMED-mail. We automatically extract and aggregate outbreak events from official outbreak reports in order to produce time series data used for the analysis. Our tool can support a correlation analysis and an understanding of the temporal developments of outbreak mentions in Twitter, based on comparisons with official sources.



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