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Factors Affecting the Adoption of Online Library Resources by Business Students




The goal of this study is to explain how information literacy instruction (ILI) influences the adoption of online library resources (OLR) by business students. ILI was measured in terms of the amount of overall, active, and passive ILI received. A theoretical model was developed and tested by means of a survey of 337 business students, which included both closed and open-ended questions. Findings indicate that the ILI received by students is beneficial in the initial or early stages of OLR use; however, students quickly reach a saturation point where more instruction contributes little to the final outcome, such as reduced OLR anxiety and increased OLR self-efficacy. Rather, it is the independent, continuous use of OLR after receiving initial, formal information literacy instruction that creates continued positive effects. OLR self-efficacy and anxiety are important antecedents to OLR adoption. OLR anxiety partially mediates the relationship between self-efficacy and perceived ease of use.
机译:这项研究的目的是解释信息素养教学(ILI)如何影响商科学生对在线图书馆资源(OLR)的采用。根据收到的总体ILI,主动ILI和被动ILI的数量来衡量ILI。通过对337名商科学生进行的调查,开发并测试了理论模型,其中包括封闭式和开放式问题。研究结果表明,学生接受的ILI在使用OLR的初期或早期都是有益的;但是,学生很快就会达到饱和点,在该点上,更多的指导对最终结果的贡献很小,例如减少了OLR焦虑和增加了OLR自我效能。而是,在收到初始的正式信息素养指导后,OLR的独立,连续使用会产生持续的积极影响。 OLR的自我效能感和焦虑是采用OLR的重要先决条件。 OLR焦虑在一定程度上介导了自我效能与易用性之间的关系。



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