
Spanning the Spectrum from Safety to Liveness




Of special interest in formal verification are safety specifications, which assert that the system stays within some allowed region, in which nothing "bad" happens. Equivalently, a computation violates a safety specification if it has a "bad prefix" - a prefix all whose extensions violate the specification. The theoretical properties of safety specifications as well as their practical advantages with respect to general specifications have been widely studied. Safety is binary: a specification is either safety or not safety. We introduce a quantitative measure for safety. Intuitively, the safety level of a language L measures the fraction of words not in L that have a bad prefix. In particular, a safety language has safety level 1 and a liveness language has safety level 0. Thus, our study spans the spectrum between traditional safety and liveness. The formal definition of safety level is based on probability and measures the probability of a random word not in L to have a bad prefix. We study the problem of finding the safety level of languages given by means of deterministic and nondeterministic automata as well as LTL formulas, and the problem of deciding their membership in specific classes along the spectrum (safety, almost-safety, fraction-safety, etc.). We also study properties of the different classes and the structure of deterministic automata for them.
机译:在正式验证中的特殊兴趣是安全规范,该规范断言,该系统在一些允许的地区保持,其中没有任何“糟糕”发生。等效地,如果它具有“坏前缀”,则计算违反了安全规范 - All Extensions违反规范的前缀。已经广泛研究了安全规范的理论特性以及其关于一般规格的实际优势。安全是二进制:规格是安全或不安全。我们介绍了安全的定量措施。直观地,语言L的安全水平L测量不在L中的单词的分数,这是一个糟糕的前缀。特别是,安全语言具有安全级别1,一种活力语言具有安全等级。因此,我们的研究跨越了传统安全和活力之间的频谱。安全水平的正式定义是基于概率,测量随机单词不在l中的概率来具有糟糕的前缀。我们研究了通过确定性和非定义自动机以及LTL公式找到的语言安全水平的问题,以及沿着光谱(安全,几乎安全,分数 - 安全等特定课程中的成员资格的问题。)。我们还研究了不同类别的属性和它们的确定性自动机的结构。



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