首页> 外文会议>International joint conference on artificial intelligence;IJCAI-11 >Beth Definability in Expressive Description Logics

Beth Definability in Expressive Description Logics




The Beth definability property, a well-known property from classical logic, is investigated in the context of description logics (DLs): if a general £-TBox implicitly defines an £-concept in terms of a given signature, where £ is a DL, then does there always exist over this signature an explicit definition in £ for the concept? This property has been studied before and used to optimize reasoning in DLs. In this paper a complete classification of Beth definability is provided for extensions of the basic DL ACC with transitive roles, inverse roles, role hierarchies, and/or functionality restrictions, both on arbitrary and on finite structures. Moreover, we present a tableau-based algorithm which computes explicit definitions of at most double exponential size. This algorithm is optimal because it is also shown that the smallest explicit definition of an implicitly defined concept may be double exponentially long in the size of the input TBox. Finally, if explicit definitions are allowed to be expressed in first-order logic then we show how to compute them in ExpTime.
机译:在描述逻辑(DL)的上下文中研究了Beth可定义性属性(这是古典逻辑中众所周知的属性):如果通用£ -TBox根据给定签名隐式定义£-概念,其中£是DL ,那么在此签名上是否始终在concept中存在该概念的显式定义?之前已经研究了此属性,并用于优化DL中的推理。在本文中,为基本DL ACC的扩展提供了Beth可定义性的完整分类,在任意结构和有限结构上都具有传递角色,逆角色,角色层次结构和/或功能限制。此外,我们提出了一种基于Tableau的算法,该算法可计算最大为双指数大小的显式定义。该算法是最佳算法,因为它还表明,隐式定义概念的最小显式定义在输入TBox的大小上可能是指数级的两倍。最后,如果允许在一阶逻辑中表达明确的定义,那么我们将展示如何在ExpTime中计算它们。



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