
Workshop on End User Programming for the Web




In the past several years, there has been a resurgence in research activity in end user programming (EUP), all focused on the web. This work is spread across a variety of institutions and has been published in a variety of conference venues, including CHI, UIST, IUI, and WWW. This workshop will bring these researchers together for a common discussion, with the following goals: 1. establish a sense of community amongst researchers in this area; discuss common problems and lessons learned about doing research in EUP for the web; 2. define a standard corpus of tasks that can be used to evaluate current and future EUP systems; and 3. plan the publication of an edited book on the topic of end user programming for the web.
机译:在过去几年中,在最终用户编程(EUP)的研究活动中,所有人都集中在网上。这项工作遍布各种机构,并已在各种会议场所发布,包括奇,UIST,IUI和WWW。该研讨会将带来这些研究人员共同讨论,采取以下目标:1。在该地区的研究人员中建立一个社区感;讨论常见的问题和教训关于对网站Eup进行研究的历史; 2.定义可用于评估当前和未来EUP系统的标准任务语料库; 3.计划在Web的最终用户编程主题上发布编辑的书籍。



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