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Web Science and Information Exchange in the Medical Web




The amount of social media data dealing with medical and health issues increased significantly in the last couple of years. Medical social media data now provides a new source of information within information gaining contexts. Facts, experiences, opinions or information on behavior can be found in the Medicine 2.0 or Health 2.0 and could support a broad range of applications. This workshop is devoted to the technologies for dealing with social-and multi media for medical information gathering and exchange. This specific data and the processes of information gathering poses many challenges given the increasing content on the Web and the trade off of filtering noise at the cost of losing information which is potentially relevant.
机译:在过去的几年里,处理医疗和健康问题的社交媒体数据的数量显着增加。医疗社交媒体数据现在提供信息获取上下文中的新信息来源。可以在Medicine 2.0或Health 2.0中找到有关行为的事实,经验,意见或信息,并可以支持广泛的应用。该研讨会致力于处理社会和多媒体的技术,以获得医疗信息收集和交流。在销售网络上的内容和过滤噪声的成本上,丢失潜在相关的信息的成本,这种特定数据和信息收集的过程造成了许多挑战。



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