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KABUKI-MONO: The Art of Kumadori Facial Expression for Manga and Cosplay




Recently, many local cultures are growing their popularities in the global society by creating various new pop cultures. For example, Japanese Manga (comic) and Anime (animation) are now fascinating young people all around the world. The characters in Manga are being their heroes or heroines. Readers of Manga created a bland new culture called Cosplay (costume play) that means they dress up as same as the characters in their favorable Manga. Cos-play has its origin in Japanese traditional play called Kabuki. In Kabuki there is special face make-up method called Kumadori. Kuwadori is a special way of expressing a person's emotion and also appealing himself to other people. In this paper we propose a system that can change human faces into faces with Kumadori make-ups. Thus people would feel that they are actual Kabuki actors. This system could become a new type of entertainment. Also this would help people understand traditional Japanese culture.
机译:最近,通过创造各种新的流行文化,许多本地文化在全球社会中日益流行。例如,日本漫画(漫画)和动漫(动画)现在吸引了全世界的年轻人。漫画中的角色是他们的英雄或女英雄。漫画的读者创造了一种淡淡的新文化,称为“角色扮演”(Cosplay)(服装表演),这意味着他们的打扮与喜欢的漫画中的角色一样。角色扮演起源于日本传统戏曲歌舞uki。在歌舞uki中,有一种特殊的脸部化妆方法,称为Kumadori。 Kuwadori是表达个人情感并吸引他人的一种特殊方式。在本文中,我们提出了一种系统,该系统可以将人脸变成具有Kumadori彩妆的脸部。因此人们会觉得他们是真正的歌舞uki演员。该系统可能成为一种新型的娱乐方式。这也将有助于人们了解传统的日本文化。



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