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Microwave Processing of Planetary Surfaces for the Extraction of Volatiles




In-Situ Resource Utilization will be necessary for sustained exploration of space. Volatiles are present in planetary soils, but water by far has the most potential for effective utilization. The presence of water at the lunar poles, Mars, and possibly on Phobos opens the possibility of producing LOX for propellant. Water is also a useful radiation shielding material, and valuable to replenish expendables (water and oxygen) required for habitation in space. Because of the strong function of water vapor pressure with temperature, heating soil effectively liberates water vapor by sublimation. Microwave energy will penetrate soil and heat from within much more efficiently than heating from the surface with radiant heat. This is especially true under vacuum conditions since the heat transfer rate is very low. The depth of microwave penetration is a strong function of the microwave frequency and to a lesser extent on soil dielectric properties. Methods for complex electric permittivity and magnetic permeability measurement are being developed and used for measurements of lunar soil simulants. A new method for delivery of microwaves deep into a planetary surface is being prototyped with laboratory experiments and modeled with COMSOL MultiPhysics. We are planning to set up a planetary testbed in a large vacuum chamber in the coming year. Recent results are discussed.
机译:实地资源利用对于持续探索太空将是必要的。挥发性物质存在于行星土壤中,但到目前为止,水最有可能被有效利用。水在月球火星和火卫一上的存在打开了为推进剂生产LOX的可能性。水还是一种有用的辐射屏蔽材料,对于补充太空中居住所需的消耗品(水和氧气)也很有价值。由于水蒸气压力随温度的强烈作用,加热土壤可通过升华有效地释放水蒸气。微波能比辐射热能更有效地渗透土壤和热量。由于传热速率非常低,因此在真空条件下尤其如此。微波穿透的深度是微波频率的强函数,并且在较小程度上影响土壤介电性能。正在开发用于测量介电常数和磁导率的方法,并将其用于测量月球土壤模拟物。正在通过实验室实验制作原型,并采用COMSOL MultiPhysics进行建模,以将微波传送到行星表面深处的新方法。我们计划在来年在一个大型真空室中建立一个行星试验台。讨论了最近的结果。



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