首页> 外文会议>17th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing >Pattern analysis of stem cell growth dynamics in the shoot apex of arabidopsis

Pattern analysis of stem cell growth dynamics in the shoot apex of arabidopsis




The Shoot Apical Meristem (SAM) is made of stem cells that are responsible for all above ground plant structures. Differentiating cells in the development of SAM form primordia. Primordia develop to become various plant organs. Understanding the growth dynamics of primordia is critical to understanding the developmental dynamics of the entire SAM. We present a method for performing quantitative analysis of primordia development in model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. A contour based approach is used to detect and isolate individual primordia from 3D live imaging data. Regions of growth are detected by analyzing eigenvalues of curvature covariance matrices. After primordia detection and isolation, a Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) Algorithm is applied to compute the rate of growth. Results show the successful use of our method to quantitatively analyze primordial growth.
机译:茎尖分生组织(SAM)由负责所有地上植物结构的干细胞组成。 SAM发育过程中的分化细胞形成原基。 Primordia发展成为各种植物器官。了解原基的生长动力学对于了解整个SAM的发育动力学至关重要。我们提出了一种在模型植物拟南芥中进行原基发育定量分析的方法。基于轮廓的方法用于从3D实时成像数据中检测并隔离单个原基。通过分析曲率协方差矩阵的特征值来检测增长区域。在对原基进行检测和隔离之后,将应用动态时间规整(DTW)算法来计算增长率。结果表明,成功地使用了我们的方法来定量分析原始生长。



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