
From sorceress to scientist




It''s a pleasure to welcome you to OOPSLA 2008, the 23rd Annual Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications. Originally devoted to object-oriented programming, OOPSLA has grown in scope to encompass programming, practices and paradigms addressing current software challenges, such as programmer productivity, security & reliability, ultra-large scale systems and evolving hardware platforms. >OOPSLA is the premier forum for practitioners, researchers, educators and students in diverse disciplines whose common threads are objects and related technologies. From its inception, OOPSLA has served as an incubator for advanced technologies and practices. Dynamic compilation and optimization, patterns, refactoring, aspect-oriented software development, agile methods, service-oriented architectures and model-driven development (to name just a few) all have OOPSLA roots. >OOPSLA 2008 continues and strengthens that tradition. It features an exciting rosterof researchers, practitioners and educators from around the world coming to showcase their latest work in a highly diverse set of venues that meet the needs of our equally diverse audience. Presentations from invited speakers dovetail with technical papers, practitioner reports, expert panels, demonstrations, formal and informal educational symposia, workshops, and tutorials from world-class lecturers. Bend your head around some out-of-the box thinking at the ever-popular Onward! track. Discuss late-breaking results with the researchers themselves at poster sessions, which culminate in the ACM Student Research Competition. Get some hands-on design experience at the DesignFest®. Gather together with like-minded people at Open Space and Birds-of-a-Feather sessions to discuss shared topics of interest. Or just let us know what''s on your mind at the Lightning Talks, where anyone can speak to the community on just about anything at all.
机译:荣幸地欢迎您参加OOPSLA 2008,这是有关面向对象编程,系统,语言和应用程序的第23届年会。 OOPSLA最初专门用于面向对象的编程,其范围已经扩大到涵盖解决当前软件挑战(例如程序员生产力,安全性和可靠性,超大规模系统和不断发展的硬件平台)的编程,实践和范例。


OOPSLA 2008继续并且加强了这一传统。来自世界各地的研究人员,从业人员和教育工作者齐聚一堂,汇聚一堂,在满足各种不同受众需求的高度多样化的场所展示他们的最新作品。受邀演讲者的演讲与技术论文,从业人员报告,专家小组,演示,正式和非正式的教育研讨会,讲习班以及世界级讲师的教程相吻合。在广受欢迎的Onward上思考一些开箱即用的想法!追踪。在张贴者会议上与研究人员讨论最新成果,最终在ACM学生研究竞赛中达到顶峰。在DesignFest®上获得一些动手设计经验。与志趣相投的人一起参加“开放空间”和“羽毛鸟”会议,讨论共同感兴趣的话题。或者只是让我们知道您在Lightning Talks上的想法,任何人都可以在几乎所有内容上与社区对话。



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