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The World Wide Web (Web) is in transition; a fundamental evolution of the model which underpins the traditional Web. This new Web, Web 2.0, is a mesh of enhanced semantics, push application widgets, and embedded scripting languages and was developed to pursue the promise of enhanced interactivity. The possible benefits of Web 2.0 are great, but it seems that without timely and prompt action disabled users will be barred from these benefits. Indeed, using sites such as: Flicker, YouTube, MySpace, Google Maps, and Google Portal will rapidly become 'off-limits' to disabled users. Semantic Web technologies have already shown themselves to be useful in addressing some issues of Web Accessibility. However, this new technology has not yet started to make its way into mainstream applications. Without change, will the benefits of the Semantic Web be lost? Will the promising enhanced interactivity of Web 2.0 technologies become increasingly inaccessible to disabled users? We pose the question: "Web2.0 and the Semantic Web: Hindrance or Opportunity?" >These proceedings bring together a cross section of Web design, engineering and Web accessibility research. The papers included here report on developments on the Web 2.0 and Semantic Web, discuss the issues regarding the evolvement of the Web, and suggest cross-pollinated solutions. >Conventional workshops and conferences on accessibility tend to be single disciplinary in nature. However, we are concerned that this focus on a single participant group prevents the cross-pollination of ideas, needs, and technologies from other related but separate fields. As with the previous workshops, this year's conference is again crossdisciplinary in nature and brings together users, accessibility experts, graphic designers, and technologists from academia and industry to discuss how accessibility can be supported. Our aim is to focus on accessibility by encouraging participation from many disciplines. Views often bridge academia, commerce, and industry and arguments encompass a range of beliefs across the design-accessibility spectrum.
机译:万维网(Web)正在过渡;该模型的基本演变,这是传统Web的基础。这个新的Web Web 2.0是增强语义,推送应用程序小部件和嵌入式脚本语言的网格,并且是为了追求增强交互性而开发的。 Web 2.0可能带来的好处是巨大的,但似乎如果没有及时及时的行动,残疾用户将无法享受这些好处。实际上,使用诸如Flicker,YouTube,MySpace,Google Maps和Google Portal之类的网站将迅速成为残障用户的“禁区”。语义Web技术已经显示出在解决Web可访问性某些问题方面的有用性。但是,这项新技术尚未开始进入主流应用程序。如果没有变化,语义网的好处会丢失吗?充满希望的Web 2.0技术增强的交互性是否会变得越来越变得残障用户无法访问?我们提出一个问题:“ Web2.0和语义Web:阻碍还是机遇?”

这些程序汇集了Web设计,工程学和Web可访问性研究的各个方面。这里的论文包括有关Web 2.0和语义Web的发展的报告,讨论有关Web的发展的问题,并提出交叉授粉的解决方案。




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