




Employing students in your I.T. organization presents many management challenges, but offers at least as many opportunities as well, not the least of which are the daily opportunities we have to promote the core academic values of our institution: collegiality, creativity, intellectual and social engagement, innovation, and mutual respect.At Indiana University's Residential I.T. Services, we employ approximately 60 students each year to support technology in campus housing and in the residential technology centers. However, our management challenges, far from being unique to ResNet, cross organizational boundaries: how to train on limited budgets, how to instill good customer service skills and values; communication across a wide range of geographical locations, and cultural identities; scheduling shifts against an ever-changing backdrop of student availability, and last but not least, how to report, track, and conclude trouble tickets. In our program we "seized" the opportunity to let our students participate in the design and development of many of our organizational and business tools and processes. We will illustrate both the automated and dynamic tools we use for problem reporting, shift scheduling, skills development, knowledge management, communications, and team building, as well as reflect upon the bounty of good that can come from facilitating and leveraging student involvement in tools development and business processes.



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