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Towards automatic transcription of expressive oral percussive performances




The annual ACM International Conference on Intelligent UserInterfaces (IUI) is a unique meeting at the intersection of thefields of artificial intelligence and human-computer interaction.The ideas and methods from these two disciplines are appliedtogether to create innovations that promise to improve theusability and capabilities of our interactive computer tools. Thegoal is to enhance the performance of the human intellect throughpowerful computer interfaces that are a joy to use.>Every year the submitted papers span a wide range of topics,mostly concerning intelligent techniques for input interpretation,output generation, assistance, personalization, and interfacegeneration. Many papers describe the use and evaluation of thesetechniques in one or more specific application areas. During thereview process, papers are carefully vetted for the extent to whichthey demonstrate progress on questions that substantially concernboth artificial intelligence and user interfaces. Althoughreviewers may be sympathetic to papers of narrower scope, theyoften argue that such papers are better suited to a lessinterdisciplinary conference.>As intelligent user interfaces have proven themselves inpractical applications, the IUI conference series has seen adramatic increase in interest. This year, many more papers weresubmitted to the conference---and the reviewing process was moreselective---than in any previous year.>Fair and thorough reviewing is a challenging task for amultidisciplinary conference such as IUI, where no single personcan be an expert in the areas of all submitted papers. Thereviewing process this year comprised several stages: First, eachsubmission was read by three reviewers--in most cases members ofthe IUI 2005 program committee, but in some cases similarlyqualified special reviewers. Second, for each long papersubmission, a imeta-review/i was prepared by one ofthe especially experienced members of the program committee. Themeta-reviews were not just additional reviews: They analyzeddifferences among the evaluations of the reviewers, and in manycases they were based on discussion with the reviewers. Third, thereviews and the recommendations of the meta-reviewers werediscussed during a 14-hour on-line program committee meeting, aswell as in telephone conversations with meta-reviewers. Fourth, theremaining borderline cases were further analyzed by the program andshort paper chairs before they made the final selection of acceptedpapers.>Because of all of the effort that was invested in the reviewingprocess by so many people, we like to think that we have organizednot one but two IUI 2005 "conferences": In the first one, conductedvia electronic communication during the reviewing period, severalhundred authors of more than 200 submitted papers received carefuland often extensive feedback on their work from experienced peerreviewers. This feedback should help them to strengthen theirresearch and to prepare high-quality submissions to upcomingconferences and to journals. The second conference is the one heldin San Diego in January, 2005, whose proceedings you are nowreading.>For IUI 2005, 135 long papers were submitted, an increase of 40%over the previous record year for an IUI conference. In order tomaintain the IUI tradition of having each long paper presented in aplenary session, we had to limit the number of accepted papers tojust 30, for an acceptance rate of 22.2%. As a result, we had toleave out quite a few promising papers whose acceptance had beenrecommended by one or more reviewers. Each of the accepted longpaper submissions is printed as an 8-page paper in this proceedingsvolume. In addition, 7 long paper submissions that seemedespecially suitable for short paper presentation are presented inthe short paper track. For the short paper track itself, 74submissions were received (again, a 40% increase over the previousrecord year), of which 21 were accepted, for an acceptance rate of28.4%. Each short paper is printed on 3 pages in this volume and ispresented at the conference during an extended interactive posterand demonstration session.>A glance at the table of contents will reveal the extent towhich IUI 2005 is a truly international conference. A statisticaloverview of the countries from which the papers were submittedwould understate the diversity of the origins of the authors, manyof whom come from countries different from those in which they arecurrently working. We hope that in the future more authors fromLatin America and Africa will submit their best work to IUIconferences, so that the remaining gaps in representation can befilled.>Aside from the paper presentations, IUI 2005 includes a numberof events that help to ensure a varied and stimulating conferenceexperience. (See the table of contents for titles and names.)>Three half-day workshops and three half-day tutorials wereselected from those submitted on the basis of reviews by members ofthe conference committee. Between them, the workshops and tutorialscover a broad range of topics of current interest in the IUI field.We encourage readers to consult the summaries of these events thatare included in this volume and to explore the links that theycontain to extensive material that is available on the world-wideweb.>The program also includes invited talks by three distinguishedthought leaders who were selected after extensive discussion withinthe conference committee: Stuart Card of the Palo Alto ResearchCenter; Justine Cassell of Northwestern University; and Barry Smythof University College Dublin and ChangingWorlds.>Another highlight is a panel discussion in which researchers andindustry representatives meet to debate, together with theconference participants, about ways of dealing with the currentusability crisis in high-tech home products.


由于智能用户界面已被证明是不切实际的应用,因此IUI会议系列的兴趣急剧增加。 。与往年相比,今年要提交给大会的论文更多-且评审过程更具选择性。

对于像IUI这样的多学科会议,公正而全面的评审是一项艰巨的任务。没有人可以成为所有提交论文领域的专家。今年的评审过程包括以下几个阶段:首先,每份论文均由三名审稿人阅读-大多数情况下是IUI 2005计划委员会的成员,但在某些情况下具有类似资格的特殊审稿人。其次,对于每篇长论文,计划委员会中一位特别有经验的成员编写了 meta-review 。主题审查不只是额外的审查:他们分析了审查者的评估之间的差异,并且在许多情况下,它们是基于与审查者的讨论而得出的。第三,在14小时的在线程序委员会会议上以及与元评审员的电话交谈中,讨论了元评审员的意见和建议。第四,程序和短纸椅在最终选择可接受的论文之前,对剩余的临界案例进行了进一步的分析。

由于这么多人在审查过程中付出了所有的努力,我们希望认为我们组织的不是IUI 2005的“会议”,而是两次。在回顾期间,通过电子通讯进行的第一次会议,有200多篇论文的数百位作者收到了经验丰富的同行评审人的认真而经常的广泛反馈。这些反馈应有助于他们加强研究,并为即将召开的会议和期刊准备高质量的论文。第二届会议是2005年1月在圣地亚哥举行的会议,您正在阅读会议记录。

对于IUI 2005,提交了135篇长论文,比IUI的创纪录年份增长了40%。会议。为了保持IUI在全会上发表每篇长论文的传统,我们必须将接受论文的数量限制为30篇,接受率为22.2%。结果,我们不得不淘汰了很多有前途的论文,这些论文的接受被一个或多个审稿人推荐。在本论文集中,每篇被接受的长论文提交均以8页纸的形式印刷。此外,在短纸轨道上提出了7篇特别适合短纸演示的长论文。对于短纸轨道本身,收到了74份提交(再次比上一记录年增加40%),其中21篇被接受,接受率为28.4%。每篇短论文都印在此卷上的3页上,并在扩展的交互式海报和演示会上在会议上演示。

一览目录将揭示IUI 2005真正成为国际会议的程度。对提交论文的国家的统计概览可能会低估作者出身的多样性,其中许多人来自与目前所从事工作的国家不同的国家。我们希望将来有更多来自拉丁美洲和非洲的作者将他们最好的作品提交给IUI会议,以便填补代表制中的剩余空白。

除论文介绍外IUI 2005包含许多活动,可帮助确保丰富多样的会议体验。 (请参阅目录以获取标题和名称。)


该计划还包括三位杰出思想领袖的邀请演讲,他们是在会议委员会内进行广泛讨论后选出的:帕洛阿尔托研究中心的Stuart Card;西北大学的贾斯汀·卡塞尔(Justine Cassell);

另一个重点是小组讨论,研究人员和行业代表与会议参加者开会讨论如何解决高科技家用产品的当前可用性危机。 。



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