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“Successes” in Small Hydro Power




This paper will detail the process recently undertaken by an IPP owned small Hydropower facility to balance the multiple requirements imposed by operational considerationsand environmental regulations. The station that will be addressed in this paper is athree unit, 1.2 MW station located in southern Maine. The station was constructed in1917, with three identical vertical units each with Leffel F turbines with GE generators.Through the years the runners have suffered extreme deterioration but had been patchedto keep the machines running. The equipment was to the point where a major investmenthad to be made to ensure the reliability of the station. To complicate matters thisstation had recently gone through FERC Licensing process where upstream anddownstream fish passage became a station requirement.The paper will discuss the areas of success and those areas where we may have fallenshort due to limitations of the economics of small Hydro. The project was an excellentexample of the balance that has to be struck between economics, environmentalrequirements and equipment reliability. Discussions will include the equipment selectionand rehab process, the economic constraints imposed by an expiring power purchaseagreement and the ultimate success of the overall project.
机译:本文将详细介绍由国际植检门户网站拥有的小型水电公司最近进行的过程。 电力设施,以平衡运营考虑所施加的多种要求 和环境法规。本文将要解决的问题是 位于缅因州南部的三台1.2兆瓦电站。车站建于 1917年,带有三个相同的垂直单元,每个单元均配有带GE发电机的Leffel F涡轮机。 这些年来,跑步者经历了极度恶化,但被修补了 保持机器运行。设备到了要大笔投资的地步 必须做出以确保站点的可靠性。使事情复杂化 该电台最近经过了FERC许可流程,其中上游和 下游鱼类通过成为一个站的要求。 本文将讨论成功领域以及我们可能已经失败的领域 由于小水电经济性的限制而短。这个项目很棒 经济学,环境之间必须达到平衡的例子 要求和设备可靠性。讨论将包括设备选择 和修复过程中,电力购买到期带来的经济限制 协议和整个项目的最终成功。



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