
'accelerators and beams', a multimedia tutorial




We are developing a computer-based tutorial for charged-particle beam optics under a grant from the DOE. This suject is importnat to the DOE. This subject is important to the DOE not only for its use in providing basic research tools but be-cause the physics is the underpinning for accelerators used in industry and medicine. The utorial, which will be delivered on Macintosh and windows platforms, uses multimedia techniques to enhance the student's rate of learning and length of retention of the material. As such, it integrates our interactive On-Screen Laboratories~(TM) with hypertext, line drawings, pholographs, animation, video, and sound. We are targeting an audience from technicians to graduate students in science and engineering. At this time we have about a fourth of the material (about equivalent to a one-semester three-credit-hour upper under-graduate physics course) available in prototype form.
机译:在美国能源部的资助下,我们正在为带电粒子束光学开发基于计算机的教程。这个主题对美国能源部很重要。对于DOE而言,这一主题非常重要,不仅因为它可用于提供基础研究工具,而且因为物理是工业和医学中使用的促进剂的基础。该教程将在Macintosh和Windows平台上提供,它使用多媒体技术来提高学生的学习速度和材料保留的时间。这样,它将我们的交互式On-Screen Laboratories〜(TM)与超文本,线条图,全息图,动画,视频和声音集成在一起。我们的目标受众是从技术人员到理科和工程学的研究生。目前,我们可以用原型形式获得大约四分之一的材料(大约相当于一个学期的三个学分的高等本科物理课程)。



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