首页> 外文会议>Conference on probabilistic safety assessment and management >The Probability of Future Human Actions Affecting a Geological Repository for Nuclear Wastes: Developing a Model that Incorporates Information Science and Historical Perspectives

The Probability of Future Human Actions Affecting a Geological Repository for Nuclear Wastes: Developing a Model that Incorporates Information Science and Historical Perspectives




A prototype computer model of future human actions affecting a geological repository has been developed based on a Markovian information state model previously outlined by Woo [1,2]. An expert elicitation procedure has been used to develop the model and data for a trial application to the case of a proposed deep underground repository at the Sellafield site. The experts rejected several assumptions that commonly underlie assessment of future human actions, and preliminary analysis indicates that, on this basis, higher risks are forecast than by a Poisson model based on historical evnet frequencies.
机译:基于Woo [1,2]之前概述的马尔可夫信息状态模型,已经开发了影响人类地质仓库的未来人类行为的原型计算机模型。专家启发程序已被用来开发模型和数据,以便在塞拉菲尔德现场拟议的深层地下处置库的情况下进行试验应用。专家们拒绝了通常是对未来人类行为进行评估的几个假设,初步分析表明,在此基础上,相比基于历史evnet频率的泊松模型,可以预测更高的风险。



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