首页> 外文会议>Industrial waste conference >Biosorption of 1, 2, 3-trichloropropane and trichloroethylene by the diatom thalassiosira pseudonana

Biosorption of 1, 2, 3-trichloropropane and trichloroethylene by the diatom thalassiosira pseudonana

机译:硅藻thalassiosira pseudonana对1、2、3-三氯丙烷和三氯乙烯的生物吸附



This study's objective was to determine the potential for algal sorption of 1, 2, 3-trichloropropane (TCP) and trichloroethylene (TCE) by a specific type of diatom, Thalassiosira pseudonana. A number of investigations~(1-7) into the ability of green and blue-green algae to bioaccumulate organic chemicals were found. Most of these studies have focused on bioaccumulation in algae for the purpose of predicting the effects that the concentration of organic chemicals in the food chain could have on higher trophic level organisms such as fish, birds, and mammals. Some of the studies have shown concentrations in the algae over 1,000 times the concentration in the water for certain types of organic compounds.
机译:这项研究的目的是确定特定类型的硅藻Thalassiosira pseudonana对1、2、3-三氯丙烷(TCP)和三氯乙烯(TCE)的藻类吸附潜力。发现了许多关于绿藻和蓝绿藻生物积聚有机化学物质能力的研究(1-7)。这些研究大多集中在藻类的生物富集上,目的是预测食物链中有机化学物质的浓度可能对较高营养水平的生物(如鱼类,鸟类和哺乳动物)产生的影响。一些研究表明,对于某些类型的有机化合物,藻类中的浓度是水中浓度的1000倍以上。



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