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Research on the Dynamic Shear Deformation due to Earthquakes Contributingto Uplift of Underground Structures


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For checking of uplifting of underground structures due to liquefactionrnduring the design of such structures in Japan, a formula based on thernbalance between the buoyancy acting on the structure from thernliquefied soil and the dead load of the structure is used. The authorsrnconsider that (1) the liquefied soil applies considerably large dynamicrnloads on underground structures during an earthquake and the verticalrncomponent induces the uplifting of structures, and that (2) a verticalrnforce larger than the statically acting buoyancy is highly likely to act onrnstructures resulting in structures being uplifted only by the verticalrnforce. In this study, to understand the action of the soil pressure on thernpipe in liquefied soil during earthquake, shaking table tests werernconducted. As result of the test, the following has been understood. Therngreater the shear strain of soil around the structure became, the largerrnvertical force induced by incremental earth pressure acted on the pipe.rnIt was thus suggested that if the structure is subjected to shearingrndeformation together with the surrounding soil, upward vertical forcernacts on the structure. If it was a pipe of 1.25t/m3 in the appearancerndensity, it was shown to surface by this action. In order to prove thesernhypotheses, shaking table tests are performed in this study.
机译:在日本,为了检查由于液化引起的地下结构的抬升,使用了基于从液化土作用到结构上的浮力与结构的静载荷之间的平衡的公式。作者认为,(1)地震期间液化的土壤在地下结构上施加了相当大的动载荷,而垂直分量则引起结构的抬升;(2)大于静力浮力的垂直力很可能作用于导致结构的结构上仅由垂直力提升。在这项研究中,为了了解地震过程中土压力对液化土壤中的热管的作用,进行了振动台试验。作为测试结果,已经理解以下内容。随着周围土体的剪切应变的增加,土体压力的增加会引起较大的垂直力作用在管道上。因此,建议如果结构体与周围土壤一起经受剪切变形,则向上的垂直力将作用于结构体。如果是外观密度为1.25t / m3的管,则该动作显示为浮出水面。为了证明其假设,在这项研究中进行了振动台测试。



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